Monday, March 20, 2006

Well I Just had a great time with some friends that I have not seen in about 5-6 years. It is really neat to see people grow up [ya even when they'er older than you ] It was a really great day with old friends.
The reason that they had to move was they'er Dads job was transfered to China, so they moved to China. Kenny is going to school in in the states now and his sister will probably join him .

Here is kennys blog


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where did you find it? Interesting read »

Tue Mar 06, 11:02:00 PM PST  
Blogger Kenny said...

Dude... I just now found this post... hahahaha...
It was neat to spend time with you too.

Mon May 28, 06:42:00 PM PDT  

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