Tuesday, May 09, 2006

That would be alot of fun to watch live

Here is another one, I like military equipment


Blogger Abby Berg said...

pretty cool. is cav your fav?

Tue May 09, 02:15:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Josh said...

Actually Calvary is not my favorite. I like the green berae and the army rangers couse that is were I am going

Tue May 09, 09:32:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Jonathan M said...

Ah yes. That's a bit more along the masculine vein! :-)

Wed May 10, 05:53:00 AM PDT  
Blogger Josh said...

Chriss: Yes I am going into the Army

Wed May 10, 08:59:00 AM PDT  
Blogger Abby Berg said...

green beret? cool. My bro is going to do ranger school. Have you heard about SERE school? My bro has to do that so he can graduate flight school. The horror stories I have heard about it are pretty awful! It is like a terrorism school that prepares you for if you are captured and tortured. They are even allowed to break bones at SERE school. And aftwerwards you have to be kept in a hospital so you can be monitered to make sure you are ok.

Wed May 10, 09:37:00 AM PDT  
Blogger Josh said...

Dang really, I have heard of the lesser training for if you are captured

Wed May 10, 01:16:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Abby Berg said...

http://www.training.sfahq.com/survival_training.htm here is a good web-site on it.

Wed May 10, 04:14:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Josh said...

I am Going through Alert in big sandy Texas, my older bro did. Then I am going into the Army so I will probably go into the Army in 2years maybe sooner.

At ALERT I am planning on taking emt and paremedic.

Wed May 10, 07:59:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Josh said...

Wow THanks Abby that website had alot of info. sounds cool

Wed May 10, 08:10:00 PM PDT  

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