Friday, January 11, 2008

Well its been awhile... So hopefully soon I can be off to the army. My sighning up got delayed when they had to get more medical paper work. I saw my DR. for my shoulder several years ago after I had wrecked skiing. And I forgot to tell my recruiter about that cause it doesnt affect me.
So I am waiting on paper work and then I am off to the ARMY.

In the Army I had been looking at being an MP. But I am thinking that I will go in as a heavy equipment operator.
I can be just about anything I want in the army. exept special forces because I am not 21 yet.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

have fun! but pleeeeeeeease be careful! i want to meet you before you get blone up, ok? praying for you.

Tue Jan 15, 03:10:00 PM PST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thats awesome Josh! Hope you have tons of fun!

Tue Jan 22, 05:02:00 PM PST  
Blogger Jane said...

Anything, huh? So does this mean you're finally going to become a virtuous woman?

Wed Jan 23, 02:14:00 PM PST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow,I must ask,what's with the colors?

Sat Feb 16, 01:26:00 PM PST  

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